На рынке туристических услуг мы работаем уже более 10 лет.
Мы являемся фирменным туристическим агентством компании AnexTour в г. Чита.
array(6) { [0]=> array(49) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "157" ["~ID"]=> string(3) "157" ["NAME"]=> string(22) "Excursion to Nerchinsk" ["~NAME"]=> string(22) "Excursion to Nerchinsk" ["PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(444) "Если вы мечтаете побывать в городе, который по возрасту старше Читы и Санкт-Петербурга, увидеть древнейшую от Енисея до Тихого океана церковь, полюбоваться своим отражением в когда-то самых больших в мире зеркалах, то ваш путь лежит в Нерчинск" ["~PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(444) "Если вы мечтаете побывать в городе, который по возрасту старше Читы и Санкт-Петербурга, увидеть древнейшую от Енисея до Тихого океана церковь, полюбоваться своим отражением в когда-то самых больших в мире зеркалах, то ваш путь лежит в Нерчинск" ["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> array(20) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "180" ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 06:38:47" ["MODULE_ID"]=> string(6) "iblock" ["HEIGHT"]=> string(3) "498" ["WIDTH"]=> string(3) "748" ["FILE_SIZE"]=> string(6) "117604" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["SUBDIR"]=> string(10) "iblock/2d0" ["FILE_NAME"]=> string(36) "6jil7njlwx9ddn6q0ihv4x44kjct765d.jpg" ["ORIGINAL_NAME"]=> string(10) "nerch1.jpg" ["DESCRIPTION"]=> string(0) "" ["HANDLER_ID"]=> NULL ["EXTERNAL_ID"]=> string(32) "37b9f0b7e4baf156d24ba46d9fa730a4" ["VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID"]=> NULL ["META"]=> string(0) "" ["SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/2d0/6jil7njlwx9ddn6q0ihv4x44kjct765d.jpg" ["UNSAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/2d0/6jil7njlwx9ddn6q0ihv4x44kjct765d.jpg" ["SAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/2d0/6jil7njlwx9ddn6q0ihv4x44kjct765d.jpg" ["ALT"]=> string(22) "Excursion to Nerchinsk" ["TITLE"]=> string(22) "Excursion to Nerchinsk" } ["~PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> string(3) "180" ["IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(2) "10" ["~IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(2) "10" ["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]=> string(2) "20" ["~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]=> string(2) "20" ["ACTIVE_FROM_X"]=> NULL ["~ACTIVE_FROM_X"]=> NULL ["ACTIVE_FROM"]=> NULL ["~ACTIVE_FROM"]=> NULL ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 06:38:47" ["~TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 06:38:47" ["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]=> string(26) "/content/detail.php?ID=157" ["~DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]=> string(26) "/content/detail.php?ID=157" ["LIST_PAGE_URL"]=> string(24) "/content/index.php?ID=10" ["~LIST_PAGE_URL"]=> string(24) "/content/index.php?ID=10" ["DETAIL_TEXT"]=> string(11086) "Если вы мечтаете побывать в городе, который по возрасту старше Читы и Санкт-Петербурга, увидеть древнейшую от Енисея до Тихого океана церковь, полюбоваться своим отражением в когда-то самых больших в мире зеркалах, то ваш путь лежит в Нерчинск
Время |
Программа |
08:00 |
Выезд из Читы на автобусе (время в дороге до г. Нерчинск 3 – 3,5 часа) |
12:00 |
Прибытие в село Калинино, осмотр старинной церкви Успения Пресвятой Богородицы. На месте села в ноябре 1653 года казаками Петра Бекетова был заложен Нерчинский острог. Десять лет спустя, был заложен мужской монастырь. Церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы одна из старейших в крае. |
13:30 |
Обед в кафе Нимфа (включен в стоимость тура) |
14:30 |
Начало обзорной пешеходной экскурсии по Нерчинску. В свое время город посетил А.П.Чехов, заметив: «городок не ахти, но жить можно». Различные купцы и промышленники: Бутины, Колобовниковы, Верхотуровы и другие открывали свои предприятия в городе. На протяжении всего существования города в 18-20 веках сложились целые купеческие династии, которые сыграли огромную роль в развитии города и его культуры, это семьи Черепановых, Зензиновых, Зиминых, Колобовниковых и, конечно, магнатов Бутиных. |
15:30 |
Знакомство с Бутинским дворцом (Нерчинский краеведческий музей). В конце 1870 годов семейная фирма Бутиных процветала, им принадлежали железоделательный, винокуренный и солеваренный заводы, примерно 50 золотых приисков, несколько мануфактур. Дворец строился и перестраивался Бутиным более 10 лет: громадные пакгаузы, башни для хранения воды, парковые зоны, гроты, статуи, беседки и даже фонтаны — замысел был грандиозен. Для наружного фасада остановились на мавритано-готическом стиле. |
17:00 |
Окончание экскурсионного обслуживания, выезд в г. Чита |
20:00 |
Прибытие в г. Чита |
Бутинский дворец (Нерчинский краеведческий музей)
Главной «визитной карточкой» как старого, так и современного Нерчинска остается Дворец Михаила Дмитриевича Бутина. С порога вас встречают знаменитые на весь мир венецианские зеркала, которые расположены в музыкальном зале площадью в 136 кв. метров. Зеркала были куплены Михаилом Бутиным на Всемирной выставке в Париже в 1878 году. А напротив великолепных зеркал – витраж «Архангел Михаил, поражающий дьявола». Он был изготовлен в 1875 году в Мюнхене и позже, по легенде, подарен Бутину баварским королем. Эти и многие другие истории, легенды и исторические ценности ждут вас в этом удивительном дворце!
Город основан в 1653 г. отрядом казаков под руководством Петра Бекетова на правом берегу Шилки против устья Нерчи как острог Нелюдский. Своим развитием город во многом обязан деятельности купцов Бутиных, которые начали разрабатывать Вершино-Дарасунские золотые прииски. На средства Бутиных в Нерчинске были построены музыкальная школа, женская прогимназия, аптека, типография; собрана крупная библиотека. Сегодня Нерчинск – небольшой провинциальный городок с правильными улицами, по которым так и хочется прогуляться, наслаждаясь многочисленными памятниками архитектуры, на которые будет интересно посмотреть туристам любого возраста.
С. Калинино
В восьми километрах от города Нерчинска, на правом берегу Шилки, в селе Калинино (бывшее Монастырское) стоит старинная церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы. Эта церковь — последнее напоминание о бывшем здесь некогда монастыре. Согласно Сибирской “Киприановской” летописи, первый в Забайкалье Нерчинский Успенский мужской монастырь был основан в 1664 году.
Стоимость экскурсии: взрослые - 1950 рублей/чел; дети – 1650 рублей/чел. Возможна организация группового выезда для коллектива от 12 человек в любой день.
В стоимость входит:
- Транспортное обслуживание по программе
- Входные билеты и экскурсия по музею
- Обзорная экскурсия по Нерчинску
- Экскурсия с осмотром церкви Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в с. Калинино
- Питание (обед в г. Нерчинск)
Дополнительно оплачивается:
· Фотосъемка в Нерчинском краеведческом музее – 100 р
· Видеосъемка в Нерчинском краеведческом музее – 150 р
· Сувенирная и печатная продукция
· Возможны изменения в программе по желанию участников тура по предварительному согласованию с ООО «Сам Себе Путешественник»
· Регистрацию и оформление организованной перевозки детей берет на себя ООО «Сам Себе Путешественник»
По всем вопросам обращаться по телефону: 8-914-802-6767 Анна
Если вы мечтаете побывать в городе, который по возрасту старше Читы и Санкт-Петербурга, увидеть древнейшую от Енисея до Тихого океана церковь, полюбоваться своим отражением в когда-то самых больших в мире зеркалах, то ваш путь лежит в Нерчинск
Время |
Программа |
08:00 |
Выезд из Читы на автобусе (время в дороге до г. Нерчинск 3 – 3,5 часа) |
12:00 |
Прибытие в село Калинино, осмотр старинной церкви Успения Пресвятой Богородицы. На месте села в ноябре 1653 года казаками Петра Бекетова был заложен Нерчинский острог. Десять лет спустя, был заложен мужской монастырь. Церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы одна из старейших в крае. |
13:30 |
Обед в кафе Нимфа (включен в стоимость тура) |
14:30 |
Начало обзорной пешеходной экскурсии по Нерчинску. В свое время город посетил А.П.Чехов, заметив: «городок не ахти, но жить можно». Различные купцы и промышленники: Бутины, Колобовниковы, Верхотуровы и другие открывали свои предприятия в городе. На протяжении всего существования города в 18-20 веках сложились целые купеческие династии, которые сыграли огромную роль в развитии города и его культуры, это семьи Черепановых, Зензиновых, Зиминых, Колобовниковых и, конечно, магнатов Бутиных. |
15:30 |
Знакомство с Бутинским дворцом (Нерчинский краеведческий музей). В конце 1870 годов семейная фирма Бутиных процветала, им принадлежали железоделательный, винокуренный и солеваренный заводы, примерно 50 золотых приисков, несколько мануфактур. Дворец строился и перестраивался Бутиным более 10 лет: громадные пакгаузы, башни для хранения воды, парковые зоны, гроты, статуи, беседки и даже фонтаны — замысел был грандиозен. Для наружного фасада остановились на мавритано-готическом стиле. |
17:00 |
Окончание экскурсионного обслуживания, выезд в г. Чита |
20:00 |
Прибытие в г. Чита |
Бутинский дворец (Нерчинский краеведческий музей)
Главной «визитной карточкой» как старого, так и современного Нерчинска остается Дворец Михаила Дмитриевича Бутина. С порога вас встречают знаменитые на весь мир венецианские зеркала, которые расположены в музыкальном зале площадью в 136 кв. метров. Зеркала были куплены Михаилом Бутиным на Всемирной выставке в Париже в 1878 году. А напротив великолепных зеркал – витраж «Архангел Михаил, поражающий дьявола». Он был изготовлен в 1875 году в Мюнхене и позже, по легенде, подарен Бутину баварским королем. Эти и многие другие истории, легенды и исторические ценности ждут вас в этом удивительном дворце!
Город основан в 1653 г. отрядом казаков под руководством Петра Бекетова на правом берегу Шилки против устья Нерчи как острог Нелюдский. Своим развитием город во многом обязан деятельности купцов Бутиных, которые начали разрабатывать Вершино-Дарасунские золотые прииски. На средства Бутиных в Нерчинске были построены музыкальная школа, женская прогимназия, аптека, типография; собрана крупная библиотека. Сегодня Нерчинск – небольшой провинциальный городок с правильными улицами, по которым так и хочется прогуляться, наслаждаясь многочисленными памятниками архитектуры, на которые будет интересно посмотреть туристам любого возраста.
С. Калинино
В восьми километрах от города Нерчинска, на правом берегу Шилки, в селе Калинино (бывшее Монастырское) стоит старинная церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы. Эта церковь — последнее напоминание о бывшем здесь некогда монастыре. Согласно Сибирской “Киприановской” летописи, первый в Забайкалье Нерчинский Успенский мужской монастырь был основан в 1664 году.
Стоимость экскурсии: взрослые - 1950 рублей/чел; дети – 1650 рублей/чел. Возможна организация группового выезда для коллектива от 12 человек в любой день.
В стоимость входит:
- Транспортное обслуживание по программе
- Входные билеты и экскурсия по музею
- Обзорная экскурсия по Нерчинску
- Экскурсия с осмотром церкви Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в с. Калинино
- Питание (обед в г. Нерчинск)
Дополнительно оплачивается:
· Фотосъемка в Нерчинском краеведческом музее – 100 р
· Видеосъемка в Нерчинском краеведческом музее – 150 р
· Сувенирная и печатная продукция
· Возможны изменения в программе по желанию участников тура по предварительному согласованию с ООО «Сам Себе Путешественник»
· Регистрацию и оформление организованной перевозки детей берет на себя ООО «Сам Себе Путешественник»
По всем вопросам обращаться по телефону: 8-914-802-6767 Анна
Dear travelers!
Do know who Semeiskie are?
They are an ancient and vibrant part of the Russian people, who many years ago were resettled to Siberia, including Buryatia. Since they were settled by whole families, they began to be called "Semeiskie".
It has happened more than 240 years ago. Transbaikalian Semeiskie firmly rooted in the Siberian land, they found a second home here. They preserve the golden fund of Russian culture to this day. It is reflected in their morals, the dignity of their clothes, home decoration, painting of utensils and the culture of their family. Everyone can get acquainted with the culture and life of the Semeiski family in the House of Folklore and Folk Art in the village Novosalia. You seem to plunge into the past, where warm hospitality awaits you with soulful choral songs, delicious lunch and entertaining master classes.
Time |
Activity |
07:00 |
Gathering of the group at the station near the Cathedral passage. Departure to the village Novasalia (Semeiski village) by a sightseeing bus. |
10:00 |
Arrival at the House of Folk Art. Meeting of the group with folk singing. |
10:10 |
Excursion to the House of Folk Art, with stories about the Semeiski traditions and rituals. The opportunity to touch and experience the household items of the last century, presented in the house. Fascinating master classes where everyone can try a loom, as well as try to make yarn from sheep's wool. Also you will have an opportunity to try on beautiful and very sophisticated family costumes. |
13:00 |
Lunch prepared with the main Semeiski dishes. During the meal, you can see a part of the traditional wedding ceremony for the bride. |
14:00 |
Departure to Lake Areyskoye (Arey), Uletovsky district. |
14:30 |
Arrival at Lake Areyskoye (Arey), Uletovsky district. The lake is located at an altitude of 996 meters above sea level in the saddle between the Malkhansky and Yablonovy ridges in the Ulyotovsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory of Russia. It is a natural monument. The water composition of the lake is rich in micro-elements that can cure skin diseases, calm the nervous system, and help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. |
18:00 |
Departure of the tourist group to Chita. |
21:00 |
Arrival at the station near the Cathedral passage. |
P.S. One can buy fresh farm products: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream as well as seasonal berries, vegetables, mushrooms on the territory of the village.
- Transfer
- Service according to the tour program
- Lunch at Semeiskie
- Master classes
- Good mood
Not included:
- Additional personal expenses
- Lunch/ dinner at the Arey territory
The cost:
1950 per an adult
1650 per child/ retired
If you have any questions, call: 8(3022)211-445, 89148026767, 89148066767
The application for a tour must be submitted at 5 least 5 days ahead.
" ["~DETAIL_TEXT"]=> string(4508) "
Dear travelers!
Do know who Semeiskie are?
They are an ancient and vibrant part of the Russian people, who many years ago were resettled to Siberia, including Buryatia. Since they were settled by whole families, they began to be called "Semeiskie".
It has happened more than 240 years ago. Transbaikalian Semeiskie firmly rooted in the Siberian land, they found a second home here. They preserve the golden fund of Russian culture to this day. It is reflected in their morals, the dignity of their clothes, home decoration, painting of utensils and the culture of their family. Everyone can get acquainted with the culture and life of the Semeiski family in the House of Folklore and Folk Art in the village Novosalia. You seem to plunge into the past, where warm hospitality awaits you with soulful choral songs, delicious lunch and entertaining master classes.
Time |
Activity |
07:00 |
Gathering of the group at the station near the Cathedral passage. Departure to the village Novasalia (Semeiski village) by a sightseeing bus. |
10:00 |
Arrival at the House of Folk Art. Meeting of the group with folk singing. |
10:10 |
Excursion to the House of Folk Art, with stories about the Semeiski traditions and rituals. The opportunity to touch and experience the household items of the last century, presented in the house. Fascinating master classes where everyone can try a loom, as well as try to make yarn from sheep's wool. Also you will have an opportunity to try on beautiful and very sophisticated family costumes. |
13:00 |
Lunch prepared with the main Semeiski dishes. During the meal, you can see a part of the traditional wedding ceremony for the bride. |
14:00 |
Departure to Lake Areyskoye (Arey), Uletovsky district. |
14:30 |
Arrival at Lake Areyskoye (Arey), Uletovsky district. The lake is located at an altitude of 996 meters above sea level in the saddle between the Malkhansky and Yablonovy ridges in the Ulyotovsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory of Russia. It is a natural monument. The water composition of the lake is rich in micro-elements that can cure skin diseases, calm the nervous system, and help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. |
18:00 |
Departure of the tourist group to Chita. |
21:00 |
Arrival at the station near the Cathedral passage. |
P.S. One can buy fresh farm products: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream as well as seasonal berries, vegetables, mushrooms on the territory of the village.
- Transfer
- Service according to the tour program
- Lunch at Semeiskie
- Master classes
- Good mood
Not included:
- Additional personal expenses
- Lunch/ dinner at the Arey territory
The cost:
1950 per an adult
1650 per child/ retired
If you have any questions, call: 8(3022)211-445, 89148026767, 89148066767
The application for a tour must be submitted at 5 least 5 days ahead.
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Lunch at Bagulushki + lake Arey" ["PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(215) "They are an ancient and vibrant part of the Russian people, who many years ago were resettled to Siberia, including Buryatia. Since they were settled by whole families, they began to be called "Semeiskie"." 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Lunch at Bagulushki + lake Arey" } } ["PROPERTIES"]=> array(6) { ["DATE"]=> array(34) { ["ID"]=> string(2) "23" ["IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(2) "10" ["NAME"]=> string(27) "Дата экскурсии" ["ACTIVE"]=> string(1) "Y" ["SORT"]=> string(3) "500" ["CODE"]=> string(4) "DATE" ["DEFAULT_VALUE"]=> string(0) "" ["PROPERTY_TYPE"]=> string(1) "S" ["ROW_COUNT"]=> string(1) "1" ["COL_COUNT"]=> string(2) "30" ["LIST_TYPE"]=> string(1) "L" ["MULTIPLE"]=> string(1) "N" ["XML_ID"]=> string(0) "" ["FILE_TYPE"]=> string(0) "" ["MULTIPLE_CNT"]=> string(1) "5" ["LINK_IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(1) "0" ["WITH_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(1) "N" ["SEARCHABLE"]=> string(1) "N" ["FILTRABLE"]=> string(1) "N" ["IS_REQUIRED"]=> string(1) "N" ["VERSION"]=> string(1) "1" ["USER_TYPE"]=> string(4) "Date" ["USER_TYPE_SETTINGS"]=> NULL ["HINT"]=> string(0) "" ["~NAME"]=> string(27) "Дата экскурсии" ["~DEFAULT_VALUE"]=> string(0) "" ["VALUE_ENUM"]=> NULL ["VALUE_XML_ID"]=> NULL ["VALUE_SORT"]=> NULL ["VALUE"]=> string(0) "" 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Lunch at Bagulushki + lake Arey" ["SECTION_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(72) "“Semeiskie traditions” weekend tour. Lunch at Bagulushki + lake Arey" ["SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(215) "They are an ancient and vibrant part of the Russian people, who many years ago were resettled to Siberia, including Buryatia. Since they were settled by whole families, they began to be called "Semeiskie"." ["ELEMENT_META_TITLE"]=> string(72) "“Semeiskie traditions” weekend tour. Lunch at Bagulushki + lake Arey" ["ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(72) "“Semeiskie traditions” weekend tour. Lunch at Bagulushki + lake Arey" ["ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(215) "They are an ancient and vibrant part of the Russian people, who many years ago were resettled to Siberia, including Buryatia. Since they were settled by whole families, they began to be called "Semeiskie"." } } [2]=> array(49) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "155" ["~ID"]=> string(3) "155" ["NAME"]=> string(14) "Chita at night" ["~NAME"]=> string(14) "Chita at night" ["PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(313) "We are ready to present you a multi-part 'excursion tour round the capital of Transbaikalia!
New theme of our weekly tour. Chita Sightseeing!
We are ready to present you a multi-part 'excursion tour round the capital of Transbaikalia!
Every Friday night, we go by bus for a three-hour walk around Chita!
But not just like that, but we are accompanied with a professional guide!
It is not a boring story, but an interesting episodic series
New theme of our weekly tour. Chita Sightseeing!
We are ready to present you a multi-part 'excursion tour round the capital of Transbaikalia!
Every Friday night, we go by bus for a three-hour walk around Chita!
But not just like that, but we are accompanied with a professional guide!
It is not a boring story, but an interesting episodic series
The Alkhanay National Park is located in the Duldurginsky District of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Distance from Chita is approximately 250 km. The Alkhanai mountain range is the only place in Russia where unique natural monuments and sacred objects of the Buddhist religion harmoniously coexist.
Narrow canyon-like gorges, the purest water of cold healing springs, magnificent waterfalls and waterfalls, outlandish stone "rivers" on steep mountain slopes, bizarre outlier rocks, each with its own name, where people come to worship, amazing mud volcanoes, the richest variety of flora and fauna - all this is Alkhanay, which is a Mecca for Buddhist pilgrims and is one of the top ten most revered natural shrines of the Buddhist world. According to the oral Buddhist tradition, Mount Alkhanay occupies a high place in the hierarchy of shrines after the Potala in Tibet and Mount Utaishan in China.
There are many stone sculptures created by nature, which are objects of veneration and worship of Buddhist pilgrims. The main ones are: "DemchogSume" - the abode of the Alkhanai keeper of the deity Demchog (idam of Chakrasamvara), whose worship, according to beliefs, brings a person innumerable merits in this life and future births. "Temple of the Gate" is a majestic rock with a through opening, in the center of which a suburgan is built, which has the properties to pacify and heal people. "The womb of the mother", which gives women children. "NaroKhazhod" is a place of meditation for Buddhist priests and many others.
We are pleased to offer you a ready-made one-day tour to Alkhanai, both by our transport and by private car. Cottages, campings, summer houses and yurts are available for guests' accommodation.
Departures on Saturdays or Sundays from Chita. The cost of the tour is 1800 rubles/ person (transfer, environmental fee-included)
Check the cost of the program with our managers: 8(3022)211-445, 8914-357-5767, 8914-802-6767
" ["~DETAIL_TEXT"]=> string(2053) "
The Alkhanay National Park is located in the Duldurginsky District of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Distance from Chita is approximately 250 km. The Alkhanai mountain range is the only place in Russia where unique natural monuments and sacred objects of the Buddhist religion harmoniously coexist.
Narrow canyon-like gorges, the purest water of cold healing springs, magnificent waterfalls and waterfalls, outlandish stone "rivers" on steep mountain slopes, bizarre outlier rocks, each with its own name, where people come to worship, amazing mud volcanoes, the richest variety of flora and fauna - all this is Alkhanay, which is a Mecca for Buddhist pilgrims and is one of the top ten most revered natural shrines of the Buddhist world. According to the oral Buddhist tradition, Mount Alkhanay occupies a high place in the hierarchy of shrines after the Potala in Tibet and Mount Utaishan in China.
There are many stone sculptures created by nature, which are objects of veneration and worship of Buddhist pilgrims. The main ones are: "DemchogSume" - the abode of the Alkhanai keeper of the deity Demchog (idam of Chakrasamvara), whose worship, according to beliefs, brings a person innumerable merits in this life and future births. "Temple of the Gate" is a majestic rock with a through opening, in the center of which a suburgan is built, which has the properties to pacify and heal people. "The womb of the mother", which gives women children. "NaroKhazhod" is a place of meditation for Buddhist priests and many others.
We are pleased to offer you a ready-made one-day tour to Alkhanai, both by our transport and by private car. Cottages, campings, summer houses and yurts are available for guests' accommodation.
Departures on Saturdays or Sundays from Chita. The cost of the tour is 1800 rubles/ person (transfer, environmental fee-included)
Check the cost of the program with our managers: 8(3022)211-445, 8914-357-5767, 8914-802-6767
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Distance from Chita is approximately 250 km." ["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> array(20) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "188" ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:57:57" ["MODULE_ID"]=> string(6) "iblock" ["HEIGHT"]=> string(3) "269" ["WIDTH"]=> string(3) "858" ["FILE_SIZE"]=> string(5) "68982" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["SUBDIR"]=> string(10) "iblock/cdf" ["FILE_NAME"]=> string(36) "qgbsw98rv3wysdkagh03tdpjl5eri1rh.jpg" ["ORIGINAL_NAME"]=> string(22) "poezdka-na-alhanaj.jpg" ["DESCRIPTION"]=> string(0) "" ["HANDLER_ID"]=> NULL ["EXTERNAL_ID"]=> string(32) "544b1a9ee963776ebe4200f52a6ef5c3" ["VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID"]=> NULL ["META"]=> string(0) "" ["SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/cdf/qgbsw98rv3wysdkagh03tdpjl5eri1rh.jpg" ["UNSAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/cdf/qgbsw98rv3wysdkagh03tdpjl5eri1rh.jpg" ["SAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/cdf/qgbsw98rv3wysdkagh03tdpjl5eri1rh.jpg" ["ALT"]=> string(16) "Trip to Alkhanay" ["TITLE"]=> string(16) "Trip to Alkhanay" } } ["PROPERTIES"]=> array(6) { ["DATE"]=> array(34) { 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"" ["MULTIPLE_CNT"]=> string(1) "5" ["LINK_IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(1) "0" ["WITH_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(1) "N" ["SEARCHABLE"]=> string(1) "N" ["FILTRABLE"]=> string(1) "N" ["IS_REQUIRED"]=> string(1) "N" ["VERSION"]=> string(1) "1" ["USER_TYPE"]=> NULL ["USER_TYPE_SETTINGS"]=> NULL ["HINT"]=> string(0) "" ["~NAME"]=> string(8) "Тэги" ["~DEFAULT_VALUE"]=> string(0) "" ["VALUE_ENUM"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(35) "Лучшие предложения" } ["VALUE_XML_ID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(32) "17e022a055b0cac3ed75d078a2c0638b" } ["VALUE_SORT"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "500" } ["VALUE"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(35) "Лучшие предложения" } ["PROPERTY_VALUE_ID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "662" } ["VALUE_ENUM_ID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(2) "22" } ["DESCRIPTION"]=> array(1) { [0]=> NULL } ["~VALUE"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(35) "Лучшие предложения" } ["~DESCRIPTION"]=> array(1) { [0]=> NULL } ["DISPLAY_VALUE"]=> string(35) "Лучшие предложения" } } ["IPROPERTY_VALUES"]=> array(6) { ["SECTION_META_TITLE"]=> string(16) "Trip to Alkhanay" ["SECTION_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(16) "Trip to Alkhanay" ["SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(142) "The Alkhanay National Park is located in the Duldurginsky District of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Distance from Chita is approximately 250 km." ["ELEMENT_META_TITLE"]=> string(16) "Trip to Alkhanay" ["ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(16) "Trip to Alkhanay" ["ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(142) "The Alkhanay National Park is located in the Duldurginsky District of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Distance from Chita is approximately 250 km." } } [4]=> array(49) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "153" ["~ID"]=> string(3) "153" ["NAME"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["~NAME"]=> string(29) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(227) "Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area." ["~PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(209) "Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area." ["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> array(20) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "184" ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:59:46" ["MODULE_ID"]=> string(6) "iblock" ["HEIGHT"]=> string(3) "269" ["WIDTH"]=> string(3) "858" ["FILE_SIZE"]=> string(5) "43548" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["SUBDIR"]=> string(10) "iblock/265" ["FILE_NAME"]=> string(36) "auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["ORIGINAL_NAME"]=> string(33) "poezdka-v-peshchery-hehehtehj.jpg" ["DESCRIPTION"]=> string(0) "" ["HANDLER_ID"]=> NULL ["EXTERNAL_ID"]=> string(32) "e6dcf4c341b0408b3edfc1aa27d454d2" ["VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID"]=> NULL ["META"]=> string(0) "" ["SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/265/auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["UNSAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/265/auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["SAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/265/auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["ALT"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["TITLE"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" } ["~PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> string(3) "184" ["IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(2) "10" ["~IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(2) "10" ["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]=> string(2) "20" ["~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]=> string(2) "20" ["ACTIVE_FROM_X"]=> NULL ["~ACTIVE_FROM_X"]=> NULL ["ACTIVE_FROM"]=> NULL ["~ACTIVE_FROM"]=> NULL ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:59:46" ["~TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:59:46" ["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]=> string(26) "/content/detail.php?ID=153" ["~DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]=> string(26) "/content/detail.php?ID=153" ["LIST_PAGE_URL"]=> string(24) "/content/index.php?ID=10" ["~LIST_PAGE_URL"]=> string(24) "/content/index.php?ID=10" ["DETAIL_TEXT"]=> string(4291) "
Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area.
The first cave is named as Mokraya or Ledyanaya. To descent into this cave you need to overcome 12 metres icefall, then you will find yourself in the huge niche, the distance till its roof is about 26 metres. Temperature varies from 7.1 below zero to 0.8 above zero depending on the season. Walls and roof of the niches are decorated with the ice crystals: the water that penetrates the cave is frozen on the floor of caves, creating funny sculptures. This cave is an ice one as there are icefalls, freezing crust on the cave walls and roof, frost, ice stalactites, stalagmites and ice columns. In the Mokraya cave there are four niches – Bolshoi, Yurta, Kostyanoi and Tupikovy. The nearest cave is the Kheetei-Sukhaya (Letnyaya), it consists of the conical depression that has the bigger and deeper than the conical depression of the first cave. The bottom of the conical depression is full of limestone blocks.
Near the conical depressions different parts of pottery, arrow heads, microscrapers and many other things were founded. In the niches of the caves also the bones of Pleistocene and Holocene animals were discovered. Among them the bones of dogs, wolves, foxes, sheep, Far Eastern red deer, moose, Siberian musk deer, treecreepers, Siberian marmots, woolly rhinoceros and humans as well.
We suggest you to feel the adventure, experience something new, unexplored and mysterious. During the tour, you will be accompanied with the experienced guides that will take care of you and your safety.
The programme of the tour:
Time |
The programme |
06:20 |
Meeting at the railway station, the city of Chita |
06:30 |
Transfer of a tourist group by coaches from the railway station (the city of Chita) to the caves of Kheetei (the length of a trip is 350 kilometres to one side). Journey time is about 3 to 4 hours depending on weather conditions. During the way to the caves there is a stop in the café (individual food order). |
11:30 |
Arrival at the caves of Kheetei. |
11:50 |
An excursion to “the Sukhaya cave” that has rich history of archeological finds. |
13:20 |
An excursion to “the Ledyanaya cave”. You will descent into the cave for the depth of 12 metres using special equipment and walk around the beautiful niches of the cave. |
16:50 |
Departure to the city of Chita. |
17:50 |
Stop at the café. Individual food order. |
21:30 |
Arrival to the railway station of the city of Chita. |
The cost of the tour is 1 950 rubles per person and insurance (optional service) is 120 rubles per person.
The cost of the tour for children under 12 years old is 1 650 rubles per person and insurance (optional service) is 120 rubles per person.
The cost includes: coaches; rental of equipment and forehead flashlights, excursion services and guide services
Additional payment: eating in the café, snacks.
" ["~DETAIL_TEXT"]=> string(4291) "
Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area.
The first cave is named as Mokraya or Ledyanaya. To descent into this cave you need to overcome 12 metres icefall, then you will find yourself in the huge niche, the distance till its roof is about 26 metres. Temperature varies from 7.1 below zero to 0.8 above zero depending on the season. Walls and roof of the niches are decorated with the ice crystals: the water that penetrates the cave is frozen on the floor of caves, creating funny sculptures. This cave is an ice one as there are icefalls, freezing crust on the cave walls and roof, frost, ice stalactites, stalagmites and ice columns. In the Mokraya cave there are four niches – Bolshoi, Yurta, Kostyanoi and Tupikovy. The nearest cave is the Kheetei-Sukhaya (Letnyaya), it consists of the conical depression that has the bigger and deeper than the conical depression of the first cave. The bottom of the conical depression is full of limestone blocks.
Near the conical depressions different parts of pottery, arrow heads, microscrapers and many other things were founded. In the niches of the caves also the bones of Pleistocene and Holocene animals were discovered. Among them the bones of dogs, wolves, foxes, sheep, Far Eastern red deer, moose, Siberian musk deer, treecreepers, Siberian marmots, woolly rhinoceros and humans as well.
We suggest you to feel the adventure, experience something new, unexplored and mysterious. During the tour, you will be accompanied with the experienced guides that will take care of you and your safety.
The programme of the tour:
Time |
The programme |
06:20 |
Meeting at the railway station, the city of Chita |
06:30 |
Transfer of a tourist group by coaches from the railway station (the city of Chita) to the caves of Kheetei (the length of a trip is 350 kilometres to one side). Journey time is about 3 to 4 hours depending on weather conditions. During the way to the caves there is a stop in the café (individual food order). |
11:30 |
Arrival at the caves of Kheetei. |
11:50 |
An excursion to “the Sukhaya cave” that has rich history of archeological finds. |
13:20 |
An excursion to “the Ledyanaya cave”. You will descent into the cave for the depth of 12 metres using special equipment and walk around the beautiful niches of the cave. |
16:50 |
Departure to the city of Chita. |
17:50 |
Stop at the café. Individual food order. |
21:30 |
Arrival to the railway station of the city of Chita. |
The cost of the tour is 1 950 rubles per person and insurance (optional service) is 120 rubles per person.
The cost of the tour for children under 12 years old is 1 650 rubles per person and insurance (optional service) is 120 rubles per person.
The cost includes: coaches; rental of equipment and forehead flashlights, excursion services and guide services
Additional payment: eating in the café, snacks.
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These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area." ["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> array(20) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "184" ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:59:46" ["MODULE_ID"]=> string(6) "iblock" ["HEIGHT"]=> string(3) "269" ["WIDTH"]=> string(3) "858" ["FILE_SIZE"]=> string(5) "43548" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["SUBDIR"]=> string(10) "iblock/265" ["FILE_NAME"]=> string(36) "auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["ORIGINAL_NAME"]=> string(33) "poezdka-v-peshchery-hehehtehj.jpg" ["DESCRIPTION"]=> string(0) "" ["HANDLER_ID"]=> NULL ["EXTERNAL_ID"]=> string(32) "e6dcf4c341b0408b3edfc1aa27d454d2" ["VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID"]=> NULL ["META"]=> string(0) "" ["SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/265/auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["UNSAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/265/auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["SAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/265/auhgy4pwl8riopwzyt60kjb50zwpazms.jpg" ["ALT"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["TITLE"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" } } ["PROPERTIES"]=> 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} } ["IPROPERTY_VALUES"]=> array(6) { ["SECTION_META_TITLE"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["SECTION_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(219) "Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area." ["ELEMENT_META_TITLE"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(34) "Visiting caves of “Kheetei"" ["ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(219) "Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area." } } [5]=> array(49) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "151" ["~ID"]=> string(3) "151" ["NAME"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["~NAME"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(185) "Kadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares." ["~PREVIEW_TEXT"]=> string(177) "Kadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares." ["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> array(20) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "186" ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:54:07" ["MODULE_ID"]=> string(6) "iblock" ["HEIGHT"]=> string(3) "720" ["WIDTH"]=> string(4) "1280" ["FILE_SIZE"]=> string(6) "443795" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["SUBDIR"]=> string(10) "iblock/0f6" ["FILE_NAME"]=> string(36) "0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["ORIGINAL_NAME"]=> string(36) "0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["DESCRIPTION"]=> string(0) "" ["HANDLER_ID"]=> NULL ["EXTERNAL_ID"]=> string(32) "30c37614164ae30d96753ac6027f044f" ["VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID"]=> NULL ["META"]=> string(0) "" ["SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/0f6/0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["UNSAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/0f6/0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["SAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/0f6/0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["ALT"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["TITLE"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" } ["~PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> string(3) "186" ["IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(2) "10" ["~IBLOCK_ID"]=> string(2) "10" ["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]=> string(2) "20" ["~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]=> string(2) "20" ["ACTIVE_FROM_X"]=> NULL ["~ACTIVE_FROM_X"]=> NULL ["ACTIVE_FROM"]=> NULL ["~ACTIVE_FROM"]=> NULL ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:54:07" ["~TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:54:07" ["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]=> string(26) "/content/detail.php?ID=151" ["~DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]=> string(26) "/content/detail.php?ID=151" ["LIST_PAGE_URL"]=> string(24) "/content/index.php?ID=10" ["~LIST_PAGE_URL"]=> string(24) "/content/index.php?ID=10" ["DETAIL_TEXT"]=> string(2752) "
Kadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares.
The appearance and the structure of Kadalinskye Palaces remind the well-known Stolby Nature Reserve near Krasnoyarsk but only in miniature.
Stone outliers form picturesque figures of fairy-tale animals, peaks, unusual compositions, fortress towers.
All these are the results of weathering processes, exposure to low temperatures water. Many of the rock formations got their own names because of their outline forms-Wall, Bear, Sparrow, Marmots, Turtle.
Exploring Kadaklinskye «Palaces» visitors can meet different animals which are typical for Trans-Baikal taiga-white hare, squirrel, Asian chipmunk, Siberian roe deer.
Large birds live here-black woodpecker, peregrine falcon, crow, black-billed capercaillie, hazel-hen.
Moreover, many monuments of different times have been discovered in the area of «Palaces». They are mostly different types of man sites and burials.
Kadalinskye Palaces are an ideal place to get away from the city, admire the majestic views of the rock formations, enjoy the silence and the purest air of the Trans-Baikal forest. You’ll never get tired of admiring the stunning views and wander around endlessly.
The tour program
Time |
Program |
10:00 |
Gathering of group members at the station of the city of Chita |
10:40 |
Arrival at the dacha village «Palaces», walking tour to rocky foundations 2-2,5 km. |
11:40 | Start of the excursion on the territory of Kadalinskye Palaces, dinner, rock climbing with equipment |
15:40 |
End of the excursion, departure to the city to the cathedral passage |
16:20 |
end of the program, arrival at the station of the city of Chita |
Tour cost 850 robles per person+ insurance optional 120 robles per person
The tour price includes: travel on the excursion tour by bus, equipment rental, excursion support, guide service.
Additionally, paid: dry ration for lunch in the fresh air.
You can leave a request for tour by contacting the managers:
8(3022)211-445, 8914-357-5767, 8914-806-6767
" ["~DETAIL_TEXT"]=> string(2752) "Kadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares.
The appearance and the structure of Kadalinskye Palaces remind the well-known Stolby Nature Reserve near Krasnoyarsk but only in miniature.
Stone outliers form picturesque figures of fairy-tale animals, peaks, unusual compositions, fortress towers.
All these are the results of weathering processes, exposure to low temperatures water. Many of the rock formations got their own names because of their outline forms-Wall, Bear, Sparrow, Marmots, Turtle.
Exploring Kadaklinskye «Palaces» visitors can meet different animals which are typical for Trans-Baikal taiga-white hare, squirrel, Asian chipmunk, Siberian roe deer.
Large birds live here-black woodpecker, peregrine falcon, crow, black-billed capercaillie, hazel-hen.
Moreover, many monuments of different times have been discovered in the area of «Palaces». They are mostly different types of man sites and burials.
Kadalinskye Palaces are an ideal place to get away from the city, admire the majestic views of the rock formations, enjoy the silence and the purest air of the Trans-Baikal forest. You’ll never get tired of admiring the stunning views and wander around endlessly.
The tour program
Time |
Program |
10:00 |
Gathering of group members at the station of the city of Chita |
10:40 |
Arrival at the dacha village «Palaces», walking tour to rocky foundations 2-2,5 km. |
11:40 | Start of the excursion on the territory of Kadalinskye Palaces, dinner, rock climbing with equipment |
15:40 |
End of the excursion, departure to the city to the cathedral passage |
16:20 |
end of the program, arrival at the station of the city of Chita |
Tour cost 850 robles per person+ insurance optional 120 robles per person
The tour price includes: travel on the excursion tour by bus, equipment rental, excursion support, guide service.
Additionally, paid: dry ration for lunch in the fresh air.
You can leave a request for tour by contacting the managers:
8(3022)211-445, 8914-357-5767, 8914-806-6767
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The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares." ["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]=> array(20) { ["ID"]=> string(3) "186" ["TIMESTAMP_X"]=> string(19) "04.08.2021 05:54:07" ["MODULE_ID"]=> string(6) "iblock" ["HEIGHT"]=> string(3) "720" ["WIDTH"]=> string(4) "1280" ["FILE_SIZE"]=> string(6) "443795" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["SUBDIR"]=> string(10) "iblock/0f6" ["FILE_NAME"]=> string(36) "0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["ORIGINAL_NAME"]=> string(36) "0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["DESCRIPTION"]=> string(0) "" ["HANDLER_ID"]=> NULL ["EXTERNAL_ID"]=> string(32) "30c37614164ae30d96753ac6027f044f" ["VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID"]=> NULL ["META"]=> string(0) "" ["SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/0f6/0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["UNSAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/0f6/0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["SAFE_SRC"]=> string(55) "/upload/iblock/0f6/0f6d1f26053db770f5b6e6d2131e7f4d.jpg" ["ALT"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["TITLE"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" } } 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предложения" } } ["IPROPERTY_VALUES"]=> array(6) { ["SECTION_META_TITLE"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["SECTION_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(177) "Kadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares." ["ELEMENT_META_TITLE"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["ELEMENT_META_KEYWORDS"]=> string(32) "Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces" ["ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION"]=> string(177) "Kadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares." } } }Если вы мечтаете побывать в городе, который по возрасту старше Читы и Санкт-Петербурга, увидеть древнейшую от Енисея до Тихого океана церковь, полюбоваться своим отражением в когда-то самых больших в мире зеркалах, то ваш путь лежит в Нерчинск
They are an ancient and vibrant part of the Russian people, who many years ago were resettled to Siberia, including Buryatia. Since they were settled by whole families, they began to be called "Semeiskie".
We are ready to present you a multi-part 'excursion tour round the capital of Transbaikalia!
Every Friday night, we go by bus for a three-hour walk around Chita! But not just like that, but we are accompanied with a professional guide! It is not a boring story, but an interesting episodic series
The Alkhanay National Park is located in the Duldurginsky District of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Distance from Chita is approximately 250 km.
Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area.
Kadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares.
Date & time | Excursion | The price per person | Buy |
Excursion to Nerchinsk | 1950 ₽ |
Excursion to NerchinskЕсли вы мечтаете побывать в городе, который по возрасту старше Читы и Санкт-Петербурга, увидеть древнейшую от Енисея до Тихого океана церковь, полюбоваться своим отражением в когда-то самых больших в мире зеркалах, то ваш путь лежит в Нерчинск
1950 ₽
“Semeiskie traditions” weekend tour. Lunch at Bagulushki + lake Arey | 1950 ₽ |
“Semeiskie traditions” weekend tour. Lunch at Bagulushki + lake AreyThey are an ancient and vibrant part of the Russian people, who many years ago were resettled to Siberia, including Buryatia. Since they were settled by whole families, they began to be called "Semeiskie".
1950 ₽
Chita at night | 1550 ₽ |
Chita at nightWe are ready to present you a multi-part 'excursion tour round the capital of Transbaikalia!Every Friday night, we go by bus for a three-hour walk around Chita! But not just like that, but we are accompanied with a professional guide! It is not a boring story, but an interesting episodic series
1550 ₽
Trip to Alkhanay | 1800 ₽ |
Trip to AlkhanayThe Alkhanay National Park is located in the Duldurginsky District of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Distance from Chita is approximately 250 km.
1800 ₽
Visiting caves of “Kheetei" | 1950 ₽ |
Visiting caves of “Kheetei"Caves of “Kheetei” ( from the Buryat - "fancy") are two caves that are situated near each other and are linked by tiny passway. These caves are the biggest among the explored caves in the Transbaikal Area.
1950 ₽
Excursion to the Titovskay hill | 700 ₽ |
Excursion to the Titovskay hillFew people know that the Titovskay hill is a former volcano that appeared in the Mesozoic era. Its maximum height is almost 950 meters above sea level.
700 ₽
Excursion to Kadalinskye Palaces | 1500 ₽ |
Excursion to Kadalinskye PalacesKadalinskye Palaces are located on the slopes of the river Kadalinka (Kadala) in the surrounding area of the city of Chita. The area of Nature reserve is more than 170 hectares.
1500 ₽
Our managers would be happy to answer all your questions
Leave your contacts and we will call you back
We are not as young
as we look
We have been working since 2013 and during this time we helped a huge number of our clients to have good and carefree rest.
Working honestly - being outside of
We always strictly fulfill our obligations, give receipts, pay taxes
Reliability guaranteed by honest agreement with tourists
Our scheme of work is transparent, so we are not trying to slip the offer agreements or commission agreements on tourists
We know perfectly well what it means to work all day long and dream about a little respite at some cozy resort to enjoy the sunset or sunrise on the ocean.
At the first opportunity to go on vacation, many of us choose interesting tours around the world:
- Euro tours ,
- Tours to Asia,
- Tours to Africa,
- Tours across Russia,
- Trips to Turkey, India and etc.
At the same time, we are willing to enjoy and be inspired by the most diverse places of our vast planet. So it can be a family vacation, and an exotic tour of African countries, and excursions of various kinds
Reviews from our travelers
Добрый день! На новогодние каникулы ездили от тураператора на Байкал. Зародились позитивом и здоровьем до лета.<br />
Байкальск встретил нас искрящимися сугробами по пояс, ярким солнцем и теплом! Гостеприимный Александр отвез нас в уютный гостевой дом на два этажа с душем, кухней (5 семей) и баней. Магазин рядом. Устроились и понеслось....
Елена Чеузова
Три дня назад вернулись с дочерью с удивительной и очень добродушной страны Вьетнам... Сказочная и увлекательная..))) спасибо огромное фирме.., а отдельную благодарность выражаю!!!!!! Анастасии!!!! Девочке нужно доплачивать за вредных туристов!!!! С пониманием и огромной выдержкой довела нас до начала тура))))спасибо!!!!
Ирина Колесникова
Спасибо за помощь в получении визы. Всё быстро, качественно и без проблем. Ну и за совет оформить страховку, как оказалось, она была необходима, чего я заранее не знала. Спасибо)
Екатерина Троцюк
Огромное спасибо за помощь в организации поездки в Тайланд. Нам были даны очень грамотные консультации специалистами данной компании, за что я им очень благодарна. Ездили в октябре семьей из 3 человек на Пхукет отель ANDAMAN SEA VIEW HOTEL 4*. Впечатлений море, отличный отдых. Все очень понравилось. Экскурсии брали и у Пегаса, и в Острове сокровищ. Очень понравилась 2-х дневная морская экскурсия на острова Андаманского моря (Джеймс Бонд, Краби и Пи-Пи) - всем рекомендую, не пожалеете. Отдых удался!!!! В дальнейшем будем отдыхать только с Вами.
Любовь Табунщикова